Receding gums: causes and treatment

Photograph of persons lower left canine with receding gum and exposed root
What is gum recession – receding gums?

Gingival (gum) recession, also known as receding gums is a condition when gums move away from the tooth, exposing the surface of the root as in the picture above.

What causes gums to recede?

There are a number of factors that can cause gum recession:

  • Aggressive teeth cleaning. Use of medium/hard toothbrush, baking soda as alternative to toothpaste, abrasive (whitening) toothpastes, wrong use of floss, wooden toothpicks can cause mechanical damage to your gums that can cause them to recede.
  • Poor oral health. Plaque and tartar can cause gum inflammation. Which can then result in loss of gums and bone around the tooth.
  • Gum disease (periodontitis) is a known contributor to the loss of gums and bone that hold the teeth.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism) can be related to loss of gums and bone around the overloaded teeth.
  • Incorrect position of the teeth. Sometimes naturally teeth can be positioned almost outside of the jaw bone. This increases risk of getting gum recession.
  • Previous orthodontic treatment (like braces or invisalign) can cause gums to recede due to movement of the teeth.
  • Smoking. Tobacco smoke affects blood circulation in gums and compromises healing capabilities.
  • Tongue/lip/cheek piercings can mechanically irritate gums thus causing them to shrink.
  • Thin type of gums, which depends on genetics. Some people have thin, others have thick gums. Those with thin gums are more likely to get gum recession if other factors are present.
  • Restorations (crowns/veneers/fillings) with margins placed below or close to gums can irritate them and cause to recede.
Photograph of persons mouth showing healthy teeth but receding gums. Exposed roots of teeth and longer looking teeth
Why is gum recession bad? What will happen if it is left untreated?

Gum recession can be harmful, because:

  • Receding gums can cause sensitivity that might affect quality of life. This can result in not wanting to brush the teeth at all because of sensitivity. Also it can make you avoid certain foods and drinks that are hot/cold/sweet.
  • Exposed roots are softer and more likely to decay (get holes/cavities) in comparison to the crown of the tooth, which is covered by hard enamel.
  • Smile looks less aesthetic because the teeth look longer, roots are darker than crowns of the teeth and gaps between the teeth look bigger. This can affect psychological well-being due to fear of smiling/laughing.
  • It might not be possible to treat recession, or only partial coverage of the root may be achieved, when recession becomes very advanced. The results of treatment for advanced recessions are poorer in comparison to treatment of early recessions.
  • Tooth loss can happen, because gum recession can progress and lead to significant loss of bone and gums around the tooth.
How to treat gum recession and its symptoms?

Can you stop gum recession?

You may be able to slow down or even stop progression of gum recession by taking these steps:

  • you should use ultra soft toothbrush (e.g. sensodyne search 3.5, curaprox 5460) and gentle brushing technique,
  • have professional teeth cleaning every 6 months,
  • quit smoking,
  • use nightguard if you grind your teeth at night,
  • remove oral piercings,
  • have orthodontic treatment if needed,
  • have fillings/crowns with defective margins adjusted/changed
  • see your dentist and/or hygienist to get accurate diagnosis. If you have more advanced gum disease, you may require specialized treatment with gum doctor.

How to fix gum recession sensitivity?

In order to reduce sensitivity and prevent cavities, you should:

  • See your dentist or hygienist for regular application of fluoride varnish.
  • Use high-fluoride, desensitizing, non-whitening (low abrasiveness) toothpastes. For example, Curaprox enzycal 1450.
  • Avoid acidic and fizzy foods and drinks.
  • Your dentist may place white dental fillings to cover the root, but it is not advisable as it can cause more recession.

Can receding gums grow back?

Very rarely receded gums can grow back spontaneously. Yet, most of the time, the only treatment that brings back receded gums is a surgical procedure, called gum grafting. During the procedure, additional gum is either taken from the roof of the mouth or off-the-shelf product is used which is surgically attached to the area with missing gum.

Are you worried about your receding gums?